Introducing Barcud Shared Services as a new commercial partner

As part of a series of posts on Community Housing Cymru’s new commercial partners, Chief Executive Nigel Ireland explains why Barcud Shared Services chose to form a new partnership with our sector.
Why did Barcud Shared Services want to be a CHC commercial partner?
"We believe that CHC’s goals and our own are very similar and that we are both primarily trying to support the housing sector to be able to achieve more for the people of Wales.
We are a not-for-profit group. Our Vision is ‘to be the service provider of choice for organisations with a social purpose, providing shared services built on collaboration, quality and value for money’ and our Strategic Aim is ‘to deliver great value, high quality, reliable and insightful shared services that minimise waste and maximise value and opportunity for our partner organisations’.
By working together, it is our expectation that both CHC and Barcud Shared Services will be able to achieve more benefit for the sector and ultimately that housing associations will be able to achieve more benefits for their customers.
With CHC representing all the RSLs in Wales, we believe that aligning our strengths and working together on initiatives would provide even greater support and value to the sector".
What benefits can Barcud Shared Services bring to our housing association members and the work that they do?
"Given the current financial constraints and challenging objectives of the sector, we strongly believe that shared services are vital for the Welsh RSL sector to achieve its objectives and outcomes by providing the following benefits: cost savings, enhanced quality, greater resilience, reduced management burden, reduced overheads and greater efficiency.
As a partner of CHC, we hope that it will increase visibility of the positive difference we are making and increase the accessibility of our services to more housing association members, thus enabling more organisations to increase their effectiveness and efficiency through use of our services. We also hope to be able to bring our knowledge and expertise to support collaborative projects with CHC and other members".
What services do you offer?
Internal Audit
Procurement solutions
Risk Management & Assurance training, workshops and consultancy
Governance reviews and training
Consultancy in a wide range of areas including: strategic planning, project management, business continuity and health and safety.
We are in the process of developing additional shared services to meet clients’ needs.