Training: Introduction to Housing Associations
Have you recently joined the staff or board of a housing association in Wales? Are you new to an organisation that works closely with Welsh housing associations or is keen to develop a lasting relationship with them? Then this course is for you.
25/26 dates
- Thursday 8 May (1pm - 4.30pm) & Friday 9 May (9.30am - 1pm)
- Thursday 10 July (1pm - 4.30pm) & Friday 11 July (9.30am - 1pm)
- Thursday 18 September (1pm - 4.30pm) & Friday 19 September (9.30am - 1pm)
- Thursday 22 January 2026 (1pm - 4.30pm) & Friday 23 January 2026 (9.30am - 1pm)
- Thursday 5 March 2026 (1pm - 4.30pm) & Friday 6 March 2026 (9.30am - 1pm)
Who is this for?
This training is perfect for those who have little prior knowledge of housing associations and the role they play in Wales, as it provides an overview of how they work and helps decode some of the jargon.
The course is open to housing association staff of all levels, board members and committee members, as well as staff from organisations working with the social housing sector in Wales.
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Course overview
The aim of this course is to provide participants with a wide and well-rounded understanding of the role housing associations play in providing social housing in Wales.
By the end of the course participants will have:
Examined the importance of involving tenants in the provision of social housing
Identified the key financial and legal issues facing housing associations
Discussed the history and governance of housing associations
Course structure
The training is divided into five sections:
History, purpose & ethos
Where the money comes from and where it goes
Community, Landlords & Tenants
Building & Maintaining Homes
Risks and regulations
Both the structure and the contents are reviewed periodically to ensure they incorporate the latest developments in social housing and the wider operating environment.
This course is delivered over two half days.
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Frequency & delivery method
This is an online course that is delivered once a quarter via Zoom. The Zoom joining details for both days are included in the booking confirmation.
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Spaces & pricing
There are 20 spaces available for each edition of the course.
Welsh housing associations are entitled to a member rate of £150 per participant and the fee for external participants is £200.
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About the trainer
Deborah is a change consultant and effective problem solver with 35 years’ experience in social housing and the public sector; influencing at leadership level to support organisations and individuals implement lasting change – from clarifying vision and defining strategies through to turning plans into reality.
She has held senior positions at a number of housing associations, including executive and non-executive roles.
Deborah has worked with Community Housing Cymru as an associated trainer and consultant for over 15 years.
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