Affordable Housing Review
In summary
In November 2017, Community Housing Cymru (CHC) called for a review of affordable housing policy in Wales to ensure that housing associations could deliver our ‘Housing Horizons’ ambition of a Wales where good housing is a basic right for all.
Throughout 2018, the Independent Review of Affordable Housing Supply in Wales gathered evidence from stakeholders across Wales. The independent panel considered ten work streams ranging from social housing grant to rent policy and public sector land.
In May 2019, the panel published its final report, making recommendations in each of the ten work streams. Following a positive ministerial response to the report in July 2019, we have been working closely with Welsh government and other stakeholders, including local government, on the implementation of the recommendations.
How we develop this area of work
Our response to the Affordable Housing Review was informed by conversations with more than 200 senior staff and board members from housing associations in Wales.
We continue to discuss and develop responses to the implementation of the review’s recommendation through our existing engagement. For more information on how we’re shaping the key work streams of the review, see:
For more information on how we develop policy, click here.

Who to speak to...
Bryony Haynes
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