CHC statement: New 'unacceptable' temporary accommodation figures evidence Wales's intensifying housing crisis

This statement was issued on 25 January 2024.
Welsh Government has today published the latest homelessness accommodation provision and rough sleeping statistics for Wales.
This latest data shows that during October 2023, 11,273 individuals were living in temporary accommodation - 65 more than at 30 September 2023. This includes 3,403 dependent children aged under 16.
Responding to the newly released statistics, Rhea Stevens, head of policy and external affairs, said:
“More than 11,200 people, including 3,403 children were living in temporary accommodation as of October 2023. This is simply unacceptable.
“We are in an incredibly worrying situation where we are seeing the impact of the housing crisis while it is still continuing to intensify and gather pace. The numbers are going the wrong way and the crisis is deepening.
“More and more people are in need of secure, affordable and high quality homes. And while housing associations work with others to address the desperate situations people are facing now, we are still missing some of the essential ingredients that will make homelessness rare, brief and unrepeated.
“Housing associations want to do more to help people experiencing homelessness - but our sector and its partners, including local authorities, NHS Wales and other healthcare providers, and the third sector need help to relieve the pressure on them.
“We have a joint ambition in Wales to end homelessness permanently: to do this we need more homes - and we also need to invest in prevention now by ensuring there is a sustainable, inflation-linked funding settlement for the Housing Support Grant. We know this is difficult during a crisis, particularly when funding is tight, but together we can improve things for individuals and families, and reduce pressures on the NHS and local government.”
Working with Cymorth Cymru, Community Housing Cymru is continuing to call for Welsh Government to reconsider its decision to freeze the Housing Support Grant - the primary mechanism for preventing homelessness and supporting independent living - in its 2024/25 draft budget. Visit this page to find out more about our joint Housing Matters campaign.
For press and media queries, please email Ruth Dawson, head of communications -