Aids and adaptations
In summary
Aids and adaptations help people remain as independent as possible in their home. From grab rails to level access showers to emerging “smart” adaptations, aids and adaptations can offer people genuine choice about where they live, close to the people and places that matter most.
Aids and adaptations also help keep people safe from harm. Research shows that home modifications result in 26% fewer injuries requiring medical treatment (caused by falls) per year. As well as protecting people, they also protect the public purse and save the NHS money. For every £1 spent on adaptations, prior to hospital discharge, there is a saving of £7.50 for health and social care.
How we develop this area of work
Along with two housing association representatives, we are part of Welsh Government’s housing adaptations steering group which supports development of policy and practice improvements to the aids and adaptations system in Wales.
To ensure we represent our member’s views and experiences, we convene an aids and adaptations working group. The group meets quarterly and has two primary purposes:
To ensure housing associations are informed of live policy discussions on aids and adaptations at Welsh Government’s housing adaptations steering group, and are able to feed in their views and expertise to these discussions
To share intelligence, good practice and learning across the sector, and support communication between housing associations.
We also engage and update relevant strategic delivery groups as appropriate.
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