Corporate plan: 2023/24 – 26/27

For over 30 years, we have been working with our members to make Wales a country where good housing is a basic right for all. Together we have taken great strides towards achieving this goal, but we know that housing associations and their tenants face new pressures and unprecedented challenges.
Our corporate plan for the next four years
Our corporate plan for 2023–24 to 2026–27 sets out how we will support members to sustain their communities while we continue to fight for the changes needed to achieve this vision.
Over the next four years, we will be focused on the actions that will support members to make the biggest difference in their communities. We will work hard to secure a stable and sufficient funding and policy framework to support investment in new and existing homes and support services.
We will do this by representing our members, acting as an influential voice to secure change. We will also act as a hub to bring members together to find collective solutions to the challenges we face.
We have a clear set of goals to attain by 2027, which we are confident will support the sector to bound forward once more.
Our goals
1. Secure the tools, funding and policy that supports good quality housing association homes.

2. Influence the policy environment so that housing associations can continue to provide homes that are affordable, and effectively support tenants facing financial hardship.

3. Promote trust in housing associations and support them to build strong partnerships locally.

4. Ensure that CHC is an agile and inclusive membership body and an exemplar employer.

We have an action plan in place to help us achieve each of these goals, and to ensure that we remain accountable to our members. Our work will focus on influencing on their behalf and connecting them - to each other and to experts within and outside our sector.
We will be reporting our progress against our objectives every six months to our members via an impact report, and will also seek feedback regularly.