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15 January 2020

Launching Housing Futures

Today (15th January 2020) we have launched Housing Futures, an exciting innovation programme in partnership with the National Housing Federation and the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations.

Housing Futures, a strand of our Alcemi programme, has been established to equip housing associations to prepare for the future. It will give housing associations in Wales an opportunity to pool their talent and resources, expertise and passion and bring people together to solve some of society’s biggest challenges.

Why now?

Ensuring everyone has a decent, affordable place to live is our country’s biggest domestic challenge. Thousands of people are experiencing homelessness, a generation has been priced out of the housing market, and many have concerns over quality and safety.

The world is changing, the challenges we face are unprecedented – from rapid technological change, globalisation to an ageing population. The ability to create and own our future is now even more important, and requires new ideas and meaningful collaboration.

Working collaboratively will be critical if we’re going to deliver on our ambition of a Wales where good housing is a basic right for all.

How can you get involved?

  • Find out more about Housing Futures
  • See the Housing Futures timeline here
  • Join our Challenge Identification sessions
  • Join our Welsh steering group

Any questions? See our FAQs or contact our team here.