CHC Statement: Updated Welsh housing association statement on Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)

This statement was issued on March 12, 2024.
Ensuring the safety of tenants is a priority for all housing associations in Wales, and they are committed to supporting the people who live in their homes.
Where Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) is identified in a housing association home, teams will work quickly to support their tenants and ensure they are kept up to date with any new information.
As set out last year, Community Housing Cymru (CHC) has been working with its members to ensure social housing properties are assessed for any potential risk related to RAAC. This work is ongoing and housing associations are continuing to survey their properties to ensure Welsh tenants are kept safe.
Currently, the information we have received from our members does not suggest there is a widespread issue across Wales. We are continuing to work with housing associations to review any new information they provide from further surveys and assessments to ensure the sector remains informed and is following best practice.
CHC and Welsh housing associations do not underestimate the amount of worry that this may be causing people who live in older social homes. Anyone who lives in a housing association home and is concerned should contact their landlord directly, as they have teams on hand that can help and offer advice and guidance.