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23 July 2014

'Support your High Street' campaign

The Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Carl Sargeant, has announced that the “Support Your High Street” campaign will take place from 20 - 27 September in towns across Wales. During the week, communities in Wales will have a chance to show their support for their local high street, with local authorities and retailers organising a range of events and activities to showcasing the retail opportunities and services available.

The Welsh Government wants your help to share information leading up to the campaign week. You could share case studies and help to promtoe the week in your newsletters, on your websites and via your social media channels, especially Facebook and Twitter.

Please contact amanda.pontin@wales.gsi.gov.uk if you can help with providing case studies.

For latest updates visit the Support Your High Street Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SupportYourHighStreetWales or follow the conversation on Twitter using the #supporthighstreets hashtag and #helpustrydfawr.