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17 December 2019

Social housing is a priority in Welsh Government’s draft Budget

We’re pleased today’s draft Budget announcement for 2020/21 has seen a continued commitment to social housing by Welsh Government.

Key details of the Budget include:

  • £223 million allocated in the next financial year to meet the 20,000 affordable homes target, which includes a £133million increase for Social Housing Grant (SHG).
  • Confirmation that the Housing Support Grant will be protected at 2019/20 levels, following the work we’ve done with Cymorth Cymru and Welsh Women’s Aid to campaign for more funding for vital services. You can read about this here.
  • The Integrated Care Fund for 2020/21 will be £42m, an increase of £7m on last year’s budget. This provides essential funding for housing, health and social care projects
  • £51.8m of capital funding allocated for regeneration projects in the Housing & Local Government portfolio. This is an increase of £23.2m on last year’s budget.

Stuart Ropke, Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru said:

“The Welsh Government has rightly prioritised solving the housing crisis in Wales and today’s announcement of an additional £133m for social housing is a huge boost to our work to build the genuinely affordable homes that Wales desperately needs.”