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21 November 2019

30 years of CHC

2019 marks the 30th birthday of Community Housing Cymru. At our Annual Conference today, Stuart Ropke outlined our sector priorities for the next 30 years. Read his speech here.

CHC was originally formed as The Welsh Federation of Housing Associations in 1989, in the wake of the 1988 Housing Act, when Welsh housing associations chose to form a federation separate to our colleagues across the border in England.

Many of the issues that housing associations in Wales faced in 1989 remain a priority today; the need for new homes, rent affordability and grant funding.

With that in mind, and a general election just around the corner, we are calling on all political parties to prioritise housing, and our own government in Wales to recognise the vital role social housing plays in our economy, by allocating further investment in its forthcoming budget.

All of this will support us to meet our vision to make good housing a basic right for all in Wales.

We’ve created a timeline highlighting key campaigns, policy changes and events over the last 30 years. Take a look here.