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29 September 2014

Plans announced for accelerated rollout of Universal Credit

Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith has today announced that Universal Credit will be rolled out to all Jobcentres and local authorities across the country from early next year.

This marks a significant acceleration in one of the UK government’s biggest reforms. The expansion will be for new claims from single jobseekers.

Universal Credit brings together 6 benefits and tax credits into 1. The new service is already available in over 50 Jobcentres in England, Wales and Scotland, and will be available in nearly 100 Jobcentres by Christmas.

Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith said:

Universal Credit is a vision for a new welfare settlement; a welfare state fit for the 21st century; a testament to the hard work of Jobcentres and local authorities that we are now implementing it. It has now rolled out in the north west of England – to couples, shortly to families, to more than 1 in 8 jobcentres by Christmas – safely and securely as I always said.

Today I can announce that we are going to accelerate the delivery of Universal Credit from the new year, bringing forward the national rollout through 2015/16 to every single community across Great Britain."

For full details, visit the DWP's website: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/plans-announced-for-accelerated-rollout-of-universal-credit-after-success-in-north-west