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23 October 2013

November start for Housing Bill

Welsh Government press release

The Welsh Government intends to introduce the Housing (Wales) Bill into the National Assembly for Wales in November, subject to the Presiding Officer’s agreement.

The Housing Minister will then make a statement in Plenary, scheduled for Tuesday 19 November, before scrutiny of the Bill by the National Assembly begins.

Housing Minister Carl Sargeant said “The Housing Bill is a key part of the action the Welsh Government is taking to improve the lives of people and communities in Wales. The homes people live in affect every part of their lives - health, well-being, education, jobs and local communities. That’s why it’s vital that everyone in Wales has a decent place to live. The Bill I am planning to introduce, will set out an ambitious programme for action that delivers things that make a difference to families and communities now and in the future.”

The Housing Bill is expected to cover:

• tackling homelessness and empty homes;
• improving standards in the private rented sector;
• increasing the supply of housing; and
• improving its quality.