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14 November 2013

New WERU infographic - More than housing

Following on from the launch of the 2012/13 WERU statistics last week, we’ve produced an infographic which summarises the main statistics from the report. The infographic is a vibrant and visual representation of the vital statistics and something very different to what we’ve produced in the past. Annual Conference delegates will receive a printed version in their conference packs next week.

We would be grateful if you could share the infographic with all staff within your organisation, with your wider contacts and across your social networks. Please continue to use the #weru13 hashtag when tweeting about the infographic so that we can monitor impact and reach on social media sites.

The infographic emphasises that the social housing sector is about so much more than housing, so it's important that it's shared as widely as possible within and beyond our sector.

Please contact Bethan Samuel if you would like a JPG copy of the infographic.