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23 October 2014

New figures show affordable housing target is on course

Today the Welsh Government has released statistics which highlight the number of new homes delivered across Wales in 2013/14.

Commenting on the statistics, Stuart Ropke, Group Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru said:

“We welcome today’s findings which show progress towards the Welsh Government’s Affordable Housing target of 10,000 homes during this term of Government.
Our members have delivered 74 per cent of all additional affordable housing during 2013/14. Having signed a Housing Supply Pact with Welsh Government in return for continued investment, a fair rents policy and a sector code of Governance, we are delighted that, despite the current economic climate, our contribution and these additional 1,799 homes will go some way towards achieving the overall target.

“Investing in housing is about much more than bricks and mortar. As well as the much needed homes, the sector’s investment helps to stimulate the economy and provides job and training opportunities for local people.”

The full findings can be viewed on the Welsh Government’s website: http://wales.gov.uk/statistics-and-research/affordable-housing-provision/?lang=en