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04 March 2014

Minister Takes Action to Deliver More Homes

The Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Carl Sargeant, is taking action to increase housing supply in Wales. In the Senedd today, the Minister announced that the Government has revised its previous plans to build 7,500 affordable homes up to 10,000 affordable homes in a pact with Community Housing Cymru.

Nick Bennett, Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru said: "We warmly welcome the new pact approach and believe it reflects genuine partnership working. Welsh Government set so many of our external environment factors; regulation, rent policy, and capital investment levels, but don't build a single home. Housing associations continue to deliver and the more security for planning the Welsh Government can give us, the more we can do to reduce poverty and prevent homelessness."

John Keegan, Chair of Community Housing Cymru added: 'Housing Associations are social enterprises in their own right. In addition to increasing supply, this pact will help us create real employment and training opportunities and by exploring not for profit solutions, enable us to do more around the health and housing agenda.

Read the Welsh Government's news story here: http://bit.ly/1onrd9a