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01 November 2013

Don't get burned, get advice!

Following on from the success of our Halloween adverts, we’ve produced a new Your Benefits are Changing advert which we’re keen to display on social media sites across Wales in the days leading up to Bonfire Night in order to raise awareness of the benefit changes. The adverts are urging people to phone or text the Your Benefits are Changing helpline or find information on the YBAC website. The adverts can be viewed below in English and Welsh. If you would like JPG copies of the adverts, please contact bethan-samuel@chcymru.org.uk.

We would be grateful if you could share across all your social media profiles (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc). Please use the #yourbenefits hashtag when you tweet about the image in order to reach a wider audience, and feel free to display the adverts in your reception areas, foyers and so on. This could be a great addition to any work you’re already doing with a Bonfire Night theme.

Thanks to everyone who shared our Halloween adverts! We hope the Bonfire Night adverts will be just as effective.