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14 January 2014

Cycle for Nik bike ride

Following tremendous support and interest from the housing sector, we are pleased to provide details of our North to South Wales charity cycle in aid of a former Seren member of staff who has a rare form of cancer. The funds will help source care not funded in Wales and also provide support to her husband and two young sons.

The ride will fittingly take place during St David’s Day weekend (Fri 28th Feb 2014 through to Sunday 2nd March) and will start from Colwyn Bay, down to Dolgellau through to Llandrindod Wells and finishing in Newport (covering approx 200 miles). This will be a challenging ride with hills, inclement weather and three consecutive days of riding but the sense of achievement and camaraderie and knowing the reasons behind the ride will make it an unforgettable experience and a cycle of a lifetime.

As well as the full route, we would also love as many people as possible to take part in the individual stages (especially the last one) – full details are on the attached flyer. We will soon be launching a facebook page and twitter hashtag where you can follow progress, read about the intrepid cyclists taking part and show your support for the ride.

We would also welcome support from HAs that we pass on the way – perhaps cheering us on as we pass through, providing tea and coffee (and loos J). This will not only give great media exposure for your HA, but also for the sector and Nik’s cause.

We will also be holding a Race Night on 7th Feb 2014 in Lysaghts Newport to generate additional funds and we would hope that the housing sector would support this event. A charity auction of incredible prizes will also be taking place during the night with rugby, golf, football and beauty experiences all up for grabs.

We do hope that you will be able to help us out in some way to this moving cause – in whatever shape or form that may take - be it cycling (full or part of the way), buying a raffle ticket, coming along to the race night or simply cheering us as we past your home or offices.

If you have any queries on the ride, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the organising team: Gareth Cole, Seren Group (Gareth.Cole@seren-group.co.uk mobile 07837 033252) or Phillipa Knowles (Phillipa-knowles@chcymru.org.uk mobile 07877915235).

You can sponsor the cyclists here.

Thanks for your support.