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12 September 2014

Community Housing Cymru respond to the Welsh Government’s Cabinet Reshuffle

Yesterday’s Welsh Government cabinet reshuffle saw a number of key changes across Ministerial portfolios. Lesley Griffiths has been handed a notably large brief with Housing & Regeneration now coming under Communities & Tackling Poverty. Carl Sargeant moves to become Minister for Natural Resources, retaining responsibility for Planning.

Leighton Andrews returns to the front bench as Minister for Public Services, where as part of his brief, he will be tasked with taking forward the recommendations from the Williams Commission. Deputy Minister changes included Ken Skates moving to Culture Tourism and Sport and Vaughan Gething becoming the Deputy Minister for Health. Newcomer to the Cabinet Julie James comes in as Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology.

Reflecting on yesterday’s changes, Sioned Hughes, Interim Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru commented:

“We would like to thank Carl Sargeant for all his work as Housing Minister, we welcomed the opportunity to work closely with the Minister on domestic abuse policies, tackling anti-social behaviour, a new housing pact to increase supply and of course the Housing (Wales) Bill.

We welcome and congratulate Lesley Griffiths on her appointment, and we have no doubt that the challenging, progressive and collaborative dialogue we have had to date on this portfolio will continue under the new Minister. We look forward to working closely with the Minister on the housing and regeneration agendas at this most challenging of times for Welsh communities.”