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Rachel Storr-Barber

Board member

Rachel is the head of governance and regulation and company secretary at ClwydAlyn, one of the largest housing associations in north Wales, with over 6,500 homes and 750 staff (and growing).

ClwydAlyn’s homes and services include care and nursing, homes for people who’ve been homeless, along with good quality, affordable homes. They cover seven local authorities in north and mid Wales.

Rachel was appointed as the head of governance and regulation in 2018, she holds an advanced certificate in corporate governance and is currently completing the CGI Qualifying Programme. Her current portfolio includes governance, programme and project management, legal, data protection, risk, regulatory requirements, business continuity, ESG reporting and complaints.

Rachel is a huge advocate for women in leadership, having completed the Women Lead the Board qualification and Chwarae Teg’s Step to Non-Exec Programme.

She’s worked in the social housing sector for the majority of her extensive 33 year career.

She's spent five years at ClwydAlyn on the frontline in their homeless services. This has given her a deep appreciation of the real difference having a safe home and access to person-centred support can make to people who are homeless, or living in poverty.

As a mum of two, Rachel is passionate about working together to change inequality for future generations.