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Join our Board

Would you like to be part of a board that uses the strength of its collective experience and vision to make Wales a country where good housing is a basic right for all?

Community Housing Cymru (CHC) is the voice of housing associations in Wales and as the membership body representing housing associations, we influence positive policy change that encourages sustainable and stable financing, good governance practices, and sector improvements.

We act as a hub to bring members together to learn, grow, challenge, and collectively address the opportunities and challenges in our sector.

We align to the good governance practices of the sector, and as such are continuing our ongoing recruitment for several board positions to replace colleagues who have served their full term.

To ensure we continue to operate as a balanced board and bring diversity of thought, we are seeking to attract not only senior or board level professionals, but also first time board members, from any RSL in Wales who offer a good oversight of what good governance looks like and how a professional board operates.

If you are excited about the role CHC plays in shaping the future of housing in Wales, then please contact Kelly Shaw on 07900 363803 or email kelly.shaw@campbelltickell.com.

Closing date for applications is Monday 19th February 2024 at 9am.