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05 September 2019

Why do we need to change our ways of work?

Why do we need to change our ways of work?
On September 13th, Paul Matthews, Chief Executive of Monmouthshire County Council, will be joining us to lead a workshop aimed at setting our organisational vision, and identifying why we need to change. He tells us how identifying the why helped Monmouthshire County Council along their transformation journey:

“We started on our business transformation journey 7 years ago as we continue to find new ways to ensure we stay relevant, viable and vibrant during challenging times. It’s really exciting to be leading an organisation that is striving for excellence in the things we do.

We have centred our approach on animating communities, and getting them involved with leading projects for themselves. We have always been clear that ambition, creativity and innovation is centre to our values and that these should be celebrated.

We are on an upward curve as an organisation though. I don’t think that any organisation can run out of problems to solve, so the priority has been to create a culture and set of behaviours that can be called upon at any time. Part of our journey has meant becoming more networked, testing new ways to listen and involve people, and investing significantly in our team.

The team at Monmouthshire County Council has become braver and bolder as a result, and we are always looking for super talented people with a great attitude to join our team, who are prepared to be stretched to their limits.”

Book your place at the first Business Transformation Workshop, What's your Vision, here.