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08 March 2016

Welsh Government confirms £100k to support Rural Housing Enablers

The Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty, Lesley Griffiths, has today confirmed the allocation of up to £100,000 funding to support Rural Housing Enablers in 2016/17.

At the Rural Regeneration Conference in March 2015, the Minister announced a two year funding commitment for Rural Housing Enablers in Wales. This funding decision was ‘in principle’ and subject to future budget allocations.

Stuart Ropke, Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru, said: 'Today’s news will allow Rural Housing Enablers to continue in their role to support the development of affordable housing in rural communities across Wales in 2016/17. Rural Housing Enablers play a significant role in ensuring the viability and sustainability of rural communities by overcoming many of the barriers in rural areas, such as identifying appropriate sites and assessing local needs. They work closely with those involved in the provision of other services and infrastructure within their communities. Nine of our members currently work in partnership with Local Authorities and Welsh Government to fund RHE posts. CHC will continue to advocate the important role of Rural Housing Enablers and, as part of our National Assembly for Wales Election manifesto, we are calling for a continuation of investment in the RHE posts beyond 2017.'