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21 January 2016

Welsh Government announces new independent Regulatory Board for Wales

Welsh Government has today announced the members of the new independent Regulatory Board for Wales. You can read the full statement on Welsh Government's website.

Stuart Ropke, Group Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru, said: ‘We called for a fully independent Regulatory Board for Wales at our Governance Conference last February, and we are delighted that Welsh Government has today announced the members of that new independent board. The regulatory environment has changed since the original board was set up, and this new board, made up of fully independent members, will ensure that the regulation of the housing sector is the most effective it can be and retains the confidence of housing associations, tenants and stakeholders to build an even stronger social housing sector in Wales. We look forward to working with the new board members.'

The board members are as follows:

Helen White (Chair)
Ron Dougan
Ceri Victory-Rowe
Doug Elliott
Gayna Jones (until March 2017)
Claire Russell-Griffiths
David Roberts
Robert Smith