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02 July 2014

Street Football Wales kicks off campaign for glory

Street Football Wales needs Welsh support as it competes for votes and the chance to shine on BBC One in this year’s National Lottery Awards.

The Swansea based project has been plucked from over 750 entries to go into the public vote to decide the winners of this year’s National Lottery Awards – the annual search for the UK’s favourite Lottery-funded projects.

Street Football Wales is the only Welsh project competing against six other organisations to win the Best Sport project category. The project hopes to scoop a £2,000 prize and rub shoulders with television, sport and music stars at the glamorous National Lottery Awards on BBC One in September.

Street Football Wales provides football opportunities for people who are socially excluded through mental health issues, homelessness or alcohol and drug abuse. It has developed four leagues in Swansea, Newport, Colwyn Bay and Merthyr Tydfil with each one playing one match a month. It provides weekly sports sessions for participants, as well as a training and education programme.

Keri Harris, Founder of Street Football Wales says winning the award and being celebrated on national television would be a dream come true:

“We're delighted to have reached the finals of The National Lottery Awards. Street Football Wales helps some of the most vulnerable people in our society in Wales. National Lottery money has helped us change lives through football. It’s easy to vote, and we're hoping that everyone in Wales support us, as it would be a fantastic reward for our hundreds of participants, volunteers and staff to receive national recognition for all of their hard work, commitment and enthusiasm through sometimes difficult times.”

TV star and actor John Barrowman will be presenting the National Lottery Awards for the fourth time this year:

“Every year I am moved by the exceptional work that the finalists of the National Lottery Awards carry out. They typify everything that is right with society – the volunteering, community spirit and selflessness.

“I urge everyone to get behind Street Football Wales as they aim to get the recognition they so richly deserve. National Lottery players should be proud that the £33 million they raise for charities every single week goes to projects like this.”

There are seven projects competing for votes across seven categories, reflecting the main areas of National Lottery funding: arts, sport, heritage, health, environment, education and voluntary/charity.

To vote for Street Football Wales visit www.lotterygoodcauses.org.uk/awards or telephone 0844 836 9711.

Voting runs for four weeks from 9am on Wednesday 25 June until midnight on Wednesday 23 July.

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