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08 July 2014

Street Football Wales - Fundraising update

Our Street Football Wales fundraising efforts are gaining momentum! Many thanks to the 13 HAs who have pledged their support so far – Coastal Housing Group, Seren Group, Monmouthshire Housing, Grŵp Cynefin, Tai Calon, Cynon Taf Community Housing Group, North Wales HA, Rhondda HA, Wales & West Housing, RCT Homes, NPT Homes, Cartrefi Conwy and Pennaf Housing Group.

Nick Bennett, Group Chief Executive, will be at the Resources Conference in Llandrindod Wells on Thursday 10 July with Keri Harris from Street Football Wales to give an update on funds raised so far. Attendees are invited to wear a football shirt to the conference in return for a donation.

For those who can’t attend the conference, the very next day (Friday 11 July) we’re asking everyone to donate a pound and wear a football shirt to work for the day. For those without a football shirt, please don’t feel left out - feel free to wear a national costume of your choice instead! It’s a bit of Friday fun for a great cause, ahead of the weekend.

Also, on Tuesday 15 July, the UK housing sector will be taking part in the #UKHousingFast Twitter campaign. Staff from across the UK will fast for one day to raise money for a housing-related charity of their choice. As part of our fundraising drive to raise money for Street Football Wales, CHC staff will fast to raise money to help send two Street Football Wales teams to the Homeless World Cup. If you would like to get involved, we would love for you to fast with us and raise money for Street Football Wales! To get involved and pledge your support, follow @UKHousingFast and @sfootballwales on Twitter and use the #UKHousingFast hashtag. You can also tweet a picture of yourself pledging your support on your empty plate, as many have done on Twitter.

We need £320 off each HA to ensure we get the team to the Homeless World Cup. We would be grateful if you could disseminate this information throughout your organisation in order to gather as much support as possible. We will be encouraging people to tweet photos and the Twitter hashtag for the cause is #sfw4worldcup. We will also be encouraging all delegates at the Resources Conference to tweet their support.

Finally, if anyone is interested in taking part in a SFW v HA staff football match during the Eisteddfod on Wednesday 6 August at 3pm, please get in touch as soon as possible. Don’t worry about your football ability or fitness, it’s the taking part that counts!

Thanks again to everyone who has so far contributed towards generating the £15k SFW needs to send two teams to Homeless World Cup in Chile. This is a life-changing opportunity for the teams and you have the chance to be part of their amazing journey, by simply pledging your support through your fundraising efforts. The response we have had so far is fantastic and SFW are so appreciative of this.

Please back the Welsh male and female team and get behind the campaign. Two previous participants spoke at our recent FesTYval and we had amazing comments from delegates about the impact this experience had on their lives.

Truly inspirational stories from Claire and Beth @sfootballwales #football #MakingADifference #homelessness joanne lewis-jones @JOLJ76

Ashley Elizabeth @ashleyelizaball - Hearing inspiring stories of faith, hope & achievement from @sfootballwales. I donated funds for the Chile #WorldCup. Have you?!

Rachel Honey-Jones @RHoneyJones - Really impressed with the girls from @sfootballwales - inspiring & honest. A pleasure to hear from thank u ladies 4 talking 2 us at #fesTYval

Cheques can be made payable to Community Housing Cymru and either sent to Community Housing Cymru, World Cup funds c/o Phillipa Knowles, Director, Central Services, 2 Ocean Way, Cardiff, CF24 5TG or given personally to Nick or Phillipa at the Resources Conference in Llandrindod Wells. We need all monies to be in by 31st August 2014.

Alternatively, you can pay direct via BACS with the following details:

Reference: SFW
Sort code: 40 16 35
Account number: 01214934

Thank you in advance for your support.