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13 March 2014

Ride for Chris - Merthyr Valleys Homes

This ride has been put together by colleagues of Chris Price who died aged 26 in January this year after a long battle against cancer. Chris started his career as an apprentice brick layer with Merthyr Tydfil Council and had worked at Merthyr Valleys Homes since 2009. 'Ride for Chris'' goal is to raise £5,000 for Cancer Aid Merthyr Tydfil where Chris received so much care and support during his illness.

The ride will be 220 miles along the Lon Las trail starting on 20 May in Holyhead and finishing on 23 May in Cardiff Bay. This is no elite group of riders and the group includes 6 people who have brought their first bike since childhood and who are now preparing to ride over 70 miles each day. One of the riders is our colleague Ceri Price, the wife of Chris, who will be doing her training indoors on a turbo as she looks after her four children. This is a tough ride and it goes through the big three mountain ranges of Wales - Snowdonia, the Cambrians and the Beacons. Please give generously for this great cause.

You can donate here, and you can follow updates on their Facebook page here.