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25 November 2016

Read more about the person who inspired the Award Pat Chown

Vivienne Sugar is a judge of the CAPTURING CREATIVITY- PAT CHOWN AWARD 2016. She tells us about the person who inspired the award.

Pat Chown was quite simply an amazing woman.

I met her first in 1982 when she joined Newydd Housing Association as Finance Manager. Strong enough to stand up to those of us committee members whose enthusiasm sometimes pushed at the boundaries of financial prudence, Pat usually found a way to make our dreams a reality.

She was clearly “commited to the cause”, believing that a roof over one’s head was just the start of making a home, of becoming part of a community and of fulfilling personal potential.

She went on to become Chief Executive of Dewi Sant and Chair of the Welsh Federation of Housing Associations, making an impact at the highest level. She also managed to fit in being married to John, a mother of three, and was active in community life, being a Board Member of Chapter Arts Centre and the Sherman Theatre, Board Member of the Marriage Guidance Council (now Relate), Treasurer of the Welsh Jazz Society etcetera, etcetera, etcetera!

So much energy, so much appetite for life and seizing opportunities to make life better for others.

Her early death in 1999 was a great loss to housing in Wales and we remember her through the Pat Chown award which is all about capturing creativity, looking for new ideas, the new ways of working which others can learn from.

She was an inspiration during her lifetime, and we who knew her, hope that the Pat Chown Award will now inspire a new generation of housing professionals and policy makers.

Vivienne Sugar