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02 September 2015

Our Power - local energy production and local energy supply

According to the Wales Fuel Poverty Projection Tool released in 2013, 31% of social housing tenants in Wales still lived in fuel poverty in 2012.

Tenants living in housing association properties have been affected significantly by rising fuel bills, benefit changes and the ‘bedroom tax’. High energy prices in Wales are compounded by the energy inefficiency of Welsh housing and lack of access to mains gas in rural areas.

Furthermore, many social housing tenants in Wales are using prepayment meters to pay for their gas and electricity bills, which can mean that they end up paying more for their energy needs. Many organisations feel that we need to address the market failure impacting on low income households and we need to impact fuel poverty directly through price.

CHC is therefore hosting an event in Cardiff on 30 September to explore the potential for local energy production and local energy supply.

Please click here for more details and to book your place.