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12 July 2023

One Big housing conference 2023: Gallery

One Big housing conference 2023: Gallery

Our One Big housing conference on July 4th and 5th was another great opportunity to bring the sector together, share ideas, and discuss how we can approach today's challenges.

Over 100 people attended on both days, with 20 speakers, 18 workshops and sessions, and 15 exhibitors making it another memorable event.

See all the of the best photos from the two days here ...

Tea and coffee social
Guests enjoying the One Big conference.
Welcome and intro
Conference chair Sophie Taylor speaking at the One Big conference.
A woman speaking at the One Big conference.
Keynote speaker Sarah Dickins speaking at the One Big conference.
A woman speaking at the One Big conference.
Keynote speaker Sarah Dickins speaking at the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking on stage at the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking at the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking at the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking at the One Big conference.
Guests speaking in groups during a break at the One Big conference.
Guests speaking during a break at the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking at the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking at the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking at the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking at the One Big conference.
A workshop session at the One Big conference.
A workshop session at the One Big conference.
A workshop session at the One Big conference.
A workshop session at the One Big conference.
A workshop session at the One Big conference.
A workshop session at the One Big conference.
Keynote speaker Tori James on stage speaking at the One Big conference.
Keynote speaker Tori James speaking at the One Big conference.
Keynote speaker Tori James on stage speaking at the One Big conference.
Keynote speaker Tori James speaking at the One Big conference.
Guests speaking in groups during a break at the One Big conference.
Guests speaking during a break at the One Big conference.
Craig Sparrow speaking on stage during the One Big conference.
Craig Sparrow speaking on stage during the One Big conference.
Julie James MS, Minister for Climate Change on stage speaking during the One Big conference.
Julie James MS, Minister for Climate Change on stage speaking during the One Big conference.
Keynote speaker Maria Vassilakou on stage during the One Big conference.
Keynote speaker Maria Vassilakou on stage during the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking on stage at the One Big conference.
Panellists speaking on stage at the One Big conference.
Speakers taking part in workshop sessions during the One Big conference.
Speakers taking part in workshop sessions during the One Big conference.