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09 January 2015

New training courses - Your Big Book of Benefits

We're continuing our collaboration with the Your Benefits are Changing campaign and the Big Book of Benefits by facilitating a series of training courses linked to Your Big Book of Benefits.

Courses are offered at a special campaign rate of only £99 per person (inclusive of lunch and your own copy of Your Big Book of Benefits). They are running in February and March 2015 with presentations in Cardiff and Bangor.

The aim is to help you better understand issues and queries from tenants and to act as better informed signposters and/or be more effective in helping with claims. As a result, we hope tenants can better cope with significant changes, protect (or even increase) their income and be better able to avoid rent arrears or disruption to their rent accounts.

Please see here to see forthcoming training courses, and see here to order a copy of Your Big Book of Benefits.

Please contact jennifer-horton@chcymru.org.uk if you have any questions about our training courses.