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14 August 2014

New funding available for urban Community Land Trusts

The National Community Land Trust Network has launched a brand new two year funding and resource programme, the Urban CLT Project, to support the emerging urban CLT movement in England and Wales.

Urban CLTs face greater challenges than other CLTs due to fierce competition for land, and complex political and social environments. The programme, funded by the Oak Foundation, offers urban CLTs funding, training, resources and advocacy to give them the tools they need to overcome these challenges.

Grants of up to £10,000 are on offer for 10 urban CLT pilots in 2014 and a further 10 in 2015 to help them develop their projects. Funding can cover costs such as legal fees, support with political negotiations, finding a development partner, community engagement and business planning.

In addition, all urban CLTs are invited to take part in a two year programme of events, training and online resources that will support them in lobbying the Government and local authorities to create the right operating environment for CLTs to succeed.

This year’s grant applications are open until midnight on Sunday 7 September.

For more information, visit the Urban CLT Project or National CLT Network website. If you have any further questions, please contact Hannah Fleetwood, Programme Manager at the National CLT Network on hannah@communitylandtrusts.org.uk or 020 3764 1840.