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28 October 2014

Minister speaks about the importance of town centre and announces further regeneration funding

On Wednesday 15th October, the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty, Lesley Griffiths, spoke about her commitment to supporting Welsh town centres and announced a further £520,000 of regeneration funding for Merthyr Tydfil.

The funding will go towards the completion of five key projects including an extension of the Penderyn Square regeneration scheme, the creation of new office space and car park in the town centre, increased signage and improvements to the traffic system.

The Minister also spoke about how the Welsh Government’s continued investment in town centre regeneration is helping to revitalise high streets and create sustainable and vibrant communities across Wales.

Over £110 million is being invested through the Vibrant and Viable Places programme, which regenerates town centres and high streets by encouraging partnership working between the public, private and third sector. As part of this, £7 million is going to projects which tackle poverty in Wales’ most deprived town centres.

A further £1 million has been allocated to the Town Centre Partnership Fund which will help boost 20 town centres across Wales by funding projects to directly address local needs.