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02 March 2017

Launching our new blog!

Picture of previous editions of Cartref

Do you remember the days when our Cartref magazine used to land on your desk every couple of months?

After listening to feedback from members and as an extension to our recent brand refresh, we’ve revamped the magazine and transformed it into an online offering.

This site will now serve as our blog and our magazine, all in one, and means that you can find all the updates you need in one place. There’s obviously a huge bonus to switching to an online format – it’ll always be up to date and we won’t have to wait until the ‘next edition’ to publish new information!

We’ll be updating the site regularly with updates and blog posts from CHC staff, and we’re also keen to make sure we get plenty of contributions from guest bloggers on topics which interest you and your organisations.

We’re launching this new site just as our Governance Conference is about to kick off in Llandrindod Wells. We’ve got a record number of delegates at this event and we’re really looking forward to the sessions we’ve got planned for our delegates over the next two days. If you’d like to blog about your thoughts on the Governance Conference, or any of our other events, get in touch!

While we’re on the subject of our events, we’re launching a brand new event on 3/4 May in Cefn Lea Park (Newtown) – Housing Boot Camp! This event is aimed at those of you on the frontline of your organisations, interacting with tenants and your local communities every day, and it’s looking hugely different to anything we’ve ever done before. The full programme will be out very very soon, and you can book your place on our website.

Get in touch with me on bethan-davies@chcymru.org.uk if you’d like to contribute to our new blog or if you have any feedback. We’re all excited about hearing your thoughts on this brand new publication!
Bethan Davies
- Communications Manager, CHC