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15 June 2016

Latest findings from the Value Wales Community Benefits Toolkit

The Welsh Government has today (June 15) announced the findings from the Value Wales Community Benefits Toolkit.

The key outcomes from the measurement tool returns are:

  • More than 40% of the overall returns submitted are from the housing sector in Wales;
  • housing association contracts have a value of over £273 million;
  • 83% of this has been re-invested in Wales;
  • 461 disadvantaged people were helped into employment and over 13,000 weeks of training were provided - – a much greater number than anticipated from this level of investment*;

* As guidance Value Wales would consider the achievement of one job and/or 52 weeks of training per £1million of contract spend to be the accepted norm.

The announcement was made today (June 15) at the Community Benefits Good Practice Half-Day Workshop event in Mid Wales.

Hayley Macnamara, Policy and Programmes Manager at Community Housing Cymru (CHC) said: “Findings from the latest Value Wales Community Benefits Toolkit further demonstrate the significant economic and social contribution of Welsh housing associations above and beyond bricks and mortar. The figures reflect the continued commitment of housing associations to make every pound stretch further for the benefit of communities and people across Wales.

"Previous findings from the Welsh Economy Research Unit report evidenced how the sector boosts the Welsh economy by more than £1bn. It employs 8,800 people and for every direct job provided, almost two other jobs are supported in the Welsh economy - this equates to around 23,000 jobs in Wales.We have been working closely with Welsh Government and the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) to encourage the number of toolkits returned by landlords, to further evidence our impact and we would like to thank the sector for its support in doing this.”

How does it work in practice? The attached case studies from Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd, Newydd Housing and NPT Homes show their approach to community benefit clauses.