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10 April 2013

Health and Homeless Standards

First introduced in 2009 the standards aim to ensure access to healthcare for some of the most vulnerable groups in society. Community Housing Cymru Group is pleased to acknowledge the launch of the revised Health and Homeless Standards announced recently by Prof. Sir Mansel Aylward at Cymorth Cymru’s Annual Conference.

We welcome the understanding of housing as central to a person’s health and wellbeing. The social housing sector is a major contributor to addressing homelessness in Wales and our members provide housing and services to vulnerable homeless groups supporting individuals to maintain tenancies, develop key life skills and engage with their local community. It will be important for RSLs to have continued involvement in working with Health Boards in collecting data, developing homeless prevention strategies and contributing to the implementation of Homeless People & Vulnerable Groups Health Action Plan – this will be a key part of ensuring consistency across Wales.

The standards recognise the challenges facing public services in relation to housing supply, welfare reform and financial constraints. Our members are working with Welsh Government and other key partners to explore how Registered Social Landlords can make the most efficient use of current supply within the context of the new legislative framework on homelessness. It is clear that the collaboration between Local Health Boards, Local Authorities, the third sector and other key stakeholders will compliment this work further, ensuring a holistic approach to addressing homelessness. You can read the standards here.