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17 September 2021

Gas Safety Week: Top Five Tips for Gas Safety

Gas Safety Week: Top Five Tips for Gas Safety
Keeping tenants safe and warm in their own homes is paramount for housing associations in Wales. Teams of dedicated engineers and contractors help housing associations maintain and improve the energy supply to homes, but what can tenants do to ensure they are safe and any work being carried out is done in accordance with regulations?

To find out more we spoke to Sanni Salisu, a gas compliance officer at CCHA with more than ten years of experience in gas engineering. Here, he shares five top tips for tenants to coincide with Gas Safety Week.

Photograph of Sanni Salisu looking at the camera and smiling

Want to find out more?

You can read more about how CCHA is combating harmful gas emissions on their blog.

Gas Safety Week logo/promotional graphic
Visit the Gas Safety Week website for more information.