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08 December 2015

CHC's response to Welsh Government's Draft Budget

Welsh Government announces its Draft Budget for 2016/17

Stuart Ropke, Group Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru (CHC) said: “This is a good budget for affordable housing. CHC has consistently made the case to Welsh Government to emphasise the importance of investing in the housing association sector. We welcome the increase of £5m to the Social Housing Grant (SHG), compared to last year’s budget, which amounts to a total of £68.8m.

Financial support from Welsh Government is needed now more than ever. Investment in housing helps stimulate the economy and provides job and training opportunities for local people, as well as funding new affordable homes.

While we welcome the increase in SHG, it is vital to emphasise the importance of a secure rental income stream. We now need Welsh Government to confirm the rental settlement in Wales that was previously agreed.

Welsh Government has had some difficult financial decisions to make, and we are delighted that the Supporting People Programme has been recognised as a key priority and protected in next year’s budget with an allocation of £124.4m.

Any further cuts to Supporting People could have had disastrous consequences for vulnerable people across Wales which is why today’s announcement is so welcome.

Over the last year, we have worked in partnership with Cymorth Cymru to highlight the benefits of Supporting People and to call for its protection. We are delighted that this campaign has been heard and will benefit those most in need."

A full briefing for members with further information will be circulated before the end of the week.

You can read the full budget document here.