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31 August 2017

CHC's response to the Wales Audit Office report on Supporting People programme

The Wales Audit Office has published a report about the Welsh Government’s management of the Supporting People Programme.

Stuart Ropke, Chief Executive Officer at Community Housing Cymru said:

“Research has indicated that every £1 invested in Supporting People services delivers £2.30 of savings to housing, health, social care and community safety, thus reducing pressure on a range of other public services. The programme helps approximately 60,000 of the most vulnerable and marginalised people to avoid homelessness and live independently in their communities. This includes older people, vulnerable young people, care leavers, families fleeing domestic abuse, people with mental health problems, people with learning disabilities, people with substance misuse problems and more.

“The Wales Audit Office report raises some points around governance and measurement that need exploring. However it is vital that this fund is protected due to the positive impact it’s had on people and services, and also because it encourages people to engage with education, training and employment opportunities.”