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30 October 2015

CHC's response to the ONS reclassification of housing associations in England

Today (30 October), the ONS have confirmed that housing associations in England are to be reclassified from ‘Private Non-Financial Corporations’ to ‘Public Non-Financial Corporations’. This decision applies from the enforcement date of the Housing Regeneration Act (HRA) 2008, with reclassification due to be implemented from early 2016.

Commenting on the reclassification, Stuart Ropke, Group Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru said:

"The decision to reclassify English housing associations is extremely disappointing. However, it is clear that this only applies to English associations. This decision should have no bearing on the independence of housing associations in the devolved administrations.

Housing associations are independent organisations. Across the UK, we are the most successful partnership of public, private and third sectors. Our independence allows us to draw in billions of pounds of private finance to provide thousands of affordable homes in the UK, create jobs and stimulate the economy.

We are working with colleagues from the devolved nations to ensure that the independence of the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish housing association sector is protected.

We are also writing to the Welsh Government to seek assurances that they will act to ensure that we are not caught up in any potential future review by the ONS."

Members can read our briefing paper here.

To read the full announcement from the ONS, click here.

To read CLG’s response, click here.