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21 June 2017

CHC's reaction to Queen's Speech

The Queen has delivered the Queen’s Speech at the state opening of Parliament this morning. The speech included 27 Bills and draft Bills, and the key points from the speech are as follows:

  • The Government will introduce a Bill to repeal the European Communities Act and ‘provide certainty for individuals and businesses’
  • Further Bills will be introduced as part of the Brexit process on immigration, international sanctions, nuclear safeguards, agriculture and fisheries and trade
  • UK Government will work with the devolved administrations
  • The Government will continue to increase the National Living Wage and seek to increase rights in the workplace, as well as publishing a Modern Industrial Strategy and seeking to attract investment in infrastructure
  • The Government will consult on proposals to reduce energy bills and the future funding of social care in England
  • A full public inquiry will be held into the event at Grenfell Tower

Stuart Ropke, Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru, said: 'Following today’s Queen’s Speech, it’s clear that Brexit is set to dominate the legislative agenda for the next two years. We must ensure that MPs in Wales are fully aware of the continuing impact of welfare reform across Welsh communities, particularly with the introduction of Universal Credit and the capping of housing benefit to LHA rates in April 2019.

We will also closely monitor the impact of Brexit negotiations and the potential impact in Wales, particularly on construction.

The Homes for Wales coalition was re-launched for June’s General Election, calling for a welfare system which ensures that everyone can access an affordable home and support for the construction industry so that it can access the materials and labour it needs to build affordable homes.

It is vital that Welsh Government’s commitment to build 20,000 affordable homes in Wales is not adversely affected by decisions made in Westminster. We look forward to working with the new UK Government and have already been in touch with Welsh MPs following the General Election. We have several initial meetings confirmed, and we are also working on plans for an event in Westminster later this year.'

A series of debates on the Queen’s Speech will now take place in Parliament over the coming days, with votes to pass the speech taking place on 28th and 29th June. The full text of the speech is available here, with further details on the measures contained here.