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20 March 2014

CHC responds to Welsh Government housing figures


Speaking in response to figures released by the Welsh Government which show a 16 per cent decrease in affordable homes being built from 2012 to 2013, Nick Bennett, Chief Executive of CHC said: “Our sector is continuing to exceed targets - and is also contributing to renovations, refurbishments and bringing empty homes back into use.

Independent research by the Welsh Economic Research Unit (WERU) proved that, despite austere times, Welsh housing associations are bucking the economic trend and boosting the Welsh economy to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds.

WERU figures also indicated that 1,862 additional affordable homes were delivered by our sector during 2012/13, 41 per cent without any social housing grant. This figure means that the sector has contributed just over 50 percent of the 7,500 target in 40 percent of the allocated time.

As a result, we called on Welsh Government to increase its affordable housing target from 7,500 to 10,000, in return for sustainable rents regime, better co-regulation for the sector and sustained capital and were delighted that Welsh Government revised the target to 10,000 new affordable homes during this term of Government. This new target will be achieved by putting in place a delivery pact with CHC. The pact will clearly set out commitments from both the Welsh Government and ourselves on behalf of the sector.

We also know that additional investment in housing has not only boosted the Welsh economy, but that for every one job directly provided by the sector, a further two jobs are supported in the economy.”