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16 September 2015

CHC respond to PMQs - Housing Associations are not part of the public sector!

Community Housing Cymru (CHC) has expressed deep concern this afternoon after Prime Minister David Cameron referred to housing associations as ‘part of the public sector’ at Prime Minister’s Questions.

The Prime Minister was responding to questioning from new Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on the impact of cuts to social rents in England, which he said were leading to job cuts.

Stuart Ropke, Chief Executive of CHC, said: “In Wales, housing policy is devolved, and housing associations are independent organisations. We are emphatically not part of the public sector.

"Our members deliver public services in Wales, as part of the most successful private, public and third sector partnership in the UK, and perhaps across all of Europe.

"We have built more than 10,000 homes over the past five years – quarter of which were provided without Social Housing Grant from government; leveraging in private finance from a wide range of sources. We provide over 150,000 affordable homes to the people of Wales.”