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01 August 2014

CHC Group shortlisted for three CIPR Cymru PRide awards

We're pleased to announce that the CHC Group has been shortlisted for three CIPR (Chartered Institute of Public Relations) Cymru PRide awards Here are the shortlisted entries:

Outstanding In House PR team – Edwina O'Hart, Bethan Samuel and Sarah Harris

Low Budget Campaign – Care & Repair Cymru, Care & Repair Week 2014

Outstanding Young Communicator – Bethan Samuel

You can view all the shortlisted entries here: http://www.cipr.co.uk/content/events-awards/pride-awards/cymru-wales/shortlist

Congratulations to all other shortlisted organisations/individuals, particularly the Seren Group and Cake Communications (our current PR consultancy for the Your Benefits are Changing campaign).

The awards ceremony will take place on 24th October in Cardiff, and the hashtag is #PRideCYM.