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26 March 2014

CHC and WLGA launch joint report aimed at tackling Wales' growing homeless population

Community Housing Cymru and the Welsh Local Government Association have joined forces to launch a joint research report aimed at tackling Wales’ growing homeless population.

The Partnership Working and Homelessness report was launched at the Tai 2014 Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru (CIH Cymru) Conference today (March 26).

Amanda Oliver, Head of Policy and Research at CHC said: “This project, commissioned by CHC, highlights how barriers to delivery of homeless services have been overcome in a variety of areas and what changes will be required to deliver the new housing solutions model proposed in the Housing Bill.

“We know that much more can be achieved through better partnerships and this report includes an action plan for Welsh Government, Local Authorities and Housing Associations which has been designed to improve partnership working across all organisations. CHC believes that this is an important piece of work, which will be a useful tool for all practitioners grappling with meeting the needs of the growing homeless population in Wales.”

Carl Sargeant, the Minister for Housing and Regeneration said: “We welcome the publication of this report, which will help promote partnership working between local authorities and housing associations to tackle homelessness. Housing associations have a vital role to play in the prevention and relief of homelessness, and we have reflected this in the Housing Bill with the inclusion of a strengthened duty of co-operation.

“We will do everything we can to support the effective delivery of partnership working on homelessness through the development of statutory guidance, and we are already working with CHC and WLGA on the development of this guidance.

“Prevention is the cornerstone of our approach to tackling homelessness, and this report provides helpful examples of the role housing associations can play in finding solutions for people who are homeless or at risk of losing their homes.”

You can read the full report here.