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03 May 2019

Being part of the new Primary Fire Authority Scheme

Being part of the new Primary Fire Authority Scheme
In April, we launched the UK’s first co-ordinated fire safety partnership for housing. We asked two housing associations what it means to be part of the scheme.

First Choice Housing was the first housing association to sign up to the scheme. Sarah Roberts, Health and Safety Assurance Manager, said:

“Community Housing Cymru’s (CHC) Strategic Fire Safety group has been a driver in enabling positive change within the area of fire safety in social housing in Wales. From when the idea of a primary authority scheme was first brought to the group through planning and now launch, I have always championed the enormous benefits such a scheme would bring to the Welsh Housing Sector.

Ultimately the new partnership will improve the safety of residents living in our properties. It will provide better consistency in enforcement, increase partnerships with fire services in Wales and give the sector a stronger voice in influencing standards in fire safety.

I am very happy to see the Primary Authority Fire Safety Partnership formalised and delighted that we are the first coordinated primary authority fire partnership in social housing in the UK.”

Wales and West Housing Association have been closely involved with establishing the scheme. Gareth Davis, Health and Safety Manager, said:

“Having been involved with several Primary Authority Partnerships during my career, both as an enforcement officer and a health and safety practitioner, I understand the real benefits such a relationship can bring. I was therefore thrilled to be invited to help establish the co-ordinated primary authority partnership between CHC and South Wales Fire and Rescue.

Primary Authority Advice is now available via CHC as our co-ordinating body, and this advice will be tailored to the general needs of members.

Arguably the most valuable benefit of membership is the access it gives us to ‘assured’ advice. The partnership gives us a platform to discuss and devise approaches to compliance with the legislation that best fits our sector and shared circumstances.

This is the first coordinated partnership for social landlords in the UK and with no cost to members for at last three years it really is a win-win situation!”

Find out more here.