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04 July 2016

A brand refresh for Community Housing Cymru

We’re pleased to announce that we’re launching our new refreshed brand today (Monday 4th July). Following the dissolving of the CHC Group structure on Friday 1st July, as well as adopting a different way of working over the past year with our new member offer and corporate plan, we thought it was the right time to refresh and modernise our brand.

We’ve had our existing logo for over ten years and it's well known and recognised across Wales and the UK, so it was important that we retained some elements from the old logo. This is why we decided on a ‘refresh’ rather than a ‘rebrand’. Read our Graphic Designer’s blog post to find out more.

Many of you use our logo on your websites, publications and so on – we’ve attached our new logo so that you can update your materials. You can access our brand guidelines here.

Let us know what you think. We’d love to hear your feedback!