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03 June 2014

£3m call for action from Sport Wales

Housing associations across Wales are invited to bring a bold new approach to giving more people the opportunity to take part in sport, as part of a campaign from Sport Wales.

Sport Wales has announced £3m of National Lottery funding investment into community sport across Wales to specifically tackle the known gaps in participation.

The Calls4Action investment is open to organisations, clubs and individuals who can generate positive action to address the issues of inequality within sport and give everyone the chance to enjoy the benefits of sport, regardless of background and circumstances.

The application process is open for outline submissions until 20 June 2014.

‘We want bold, new approaches,’ says Sport Wales’ Regional Manager Tom Overton.

‘We’re being less restrictive in our processes to encourage innovative approaches to addressing the participation gap. You don’t necessarily need to be a sporting expert because we want to work with individuals and organisations who bring fresh ideas and ways of getting more people involved in sport.’

£1.5m of the National Lottery funding available through Calls4Action will be invested into addressing the barriers currently preventing young women and secondary school–aged girls from participating in sport. The further £1.5m will look to tackle inequalities around areas of poverty, disability and BME communities.

One housing association already reaping the benefits of Sport Wales funding is RCT Homes.

The RCT Homes Go4it project is seeing the social housing provider work with Sport RCT to combat the increasing poverty gap with two family support packages aimed at getting families into exercise, sport and good health.

For more information, visit www.sportwales.org.uk/calls4action, call 029 2033 8246 or email c4a2@sportwales.org.uk. To see how Sport Wales funding has helped over 400 people try golf visit http://youtu.be/ejwYSPMYdsc