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19 May 2015

£108m funds improvements to Welsh social housing

A £108m investment in Wales’ social housing stock has today been announced by Communities and Tackling Poverty Minister, Lesley Griffiths. The £108m has been committed previously in the final budget for 2015/16 for the Major Repairs Allowance and Dowry Fund. The funding will be used by local authorities and Registered Social Landlords to improve people’s homes and ensure that they are safe, secure and meet the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS).

Stuart Ropke, Group Chief Executive of Community Housing Cymru, said: “The sector is working hard and making lots of progress in meeting the WHQS, but we know that, as a sector, we still have lots more work to do. We therefore welcome this investment which will help further ensure that tenants live in good quality homes in safe and secure communities. The housing association sector is delivering housing and regeneration solutions to local communities by investing in communities, generating local training and job opportunities, delivering broader community regeneration, reducing fuel poverty for some of the hardest to reach people and reduced carbon emissions and energy bills. Our own commissioned research by the Welsh Economic Research Unit, shows that our members spent £272m on maintenance, repairs and upgrading homes (including WHQS spend) in 2013/14 to help meet WHQS, creating many job and training opportunities for local people while doing so”.