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CHC Annual Conference 2024

November 19, 2024 @ 9:00am
Conferences 2 days Techniquest Science Museum, Cardiff Bay
Note: This event has ended

Our 2024 Annual Conference will focus on the relationships and shared understanding we need to realise our shared ambition for a Wales where good housing is a basic right for all.

The challenges facing housing associations, their staff and tenants, are not unique. No one has been immune from the cumulative impact of recent years, characterised by multiple political, economic and health crises. But the effects have been felt most deeply, and for a longer time, by people on the lowest incomes. For too many of our tenants, and the staff that support them, these crises are not over.

Yet 2024 has brought with it new faces, and so new opportunities to do more to build our collective resilience. Political changes at a UK and Welsh level have the potential to bring fresh thinking to familiar challenges: whether the stubbornly high levels of homelessness in Wales, or the urgent need to build more homes and decarbonise existing homes. Through constructive relationships and mutual understanding, we can create the conditions for Housing Associations to do even more to set their tenants and communities up for success.


Please note CHC will NOT be booking delegate accommodation for 18th/19th November.


Please note this is a draft programme subject to change

DAY 1 - Tuesday 19th November

8.45am Registration, networking and exhibition viewing

9.30am Chair's Welcome - Sian Lloyd

9.40am Welcome and scene setting - Stuart Ropke, Chief Executive, Community Housing Cymru

10.00am Keynote: Jayne Bryant MS

A keynote speech from the new Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government, setting out her priorities and ambitions for social housing in Wales.

10.30am Pathway to Board Graduation Ceremony

10.45am Panel: Politics in the years ahead

Our expert panel will discuss how recent political changes may shape the future of Welsh social housing. Gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities ahead for housing policy in Wales amidst a shifting political environment.

In conversation with:

  • James Williams, BBC Walescast
  • Nerys Evans, Deryn
  • Joe Waters, Public Affairs Manager, National Housing Federation

11.30am Refreshments, networking and exhibition viewing

12.00pm Workshops

1. Compassionate leadership in challenging times - Oliver Townsend, Platfform

Leadership today requires a compassionate, trauma-informed approach to foster wellbeing. This session, based on Platfform's strengths-based and healing-focused principles, explores how to lead with empathy, build resilience, and support mental health. Discover how compassionate leadership can address complex needs, positively impacting teams and communities alike.

2. Attracting additional funders into the Welsh sector - James Tarrant (Savills Financial Consultants), Richard Whittaker (Barclays), Michael Brooks (Fitch), Steve Valvona (Met Life)

How do funders currently view Wales as an investment opportunity? This session will explore different forms of funding, the credit rating process, the size of investments, and what this means for the sector.

3. Ending Evictions into Homelessness - Sustaining tenancies through supporting people - Jonathan Clode and Lauren Caley, Shelter Cymru

Research by Shelter Cymru has found that people at risk of eviction for anti-social behaviour and rent arrears often have complex, unmet support needs. In this session we will explore the approaches being adopted by social landlords in Wales to change this, learning from best practice and discussing what more can be done to support people to remain in their homes and work towards further embedding trauma informed practices across the housing sector.

4. Good complaint handling and insights from the latest thematic review - Matthew Harris & Greg Phillips, Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

Join this timely workshop to explore the recommendations and insights from the Ombudsman's latest thematic review. Matthew will also cover the Ombudsman's purpose and powers, how the complaints standards regime is progressing and what we can learn from the latest statistics.

1.00pm Lunch, networking and exhibition viewing

2.00pm Keynote speaker: Dan Hewitt, journalist, ITV

Over the past 3 years, Dan has led ITN’s investigation into the housing crisis and its impact on people and communities. . His work has uncovered shocking conditions that people across the UK should never have endured. Dan will share his thoughts on the housing sector, what he’s learnt from his investigations, and what needs to happen next.

2.45pm Engaging communities

In this session, we will be hearing about community engagement projects that look at two key issues in Wales, the UK and beyond: the promotion of green spaces and the integration of sanctuary seekers.

1.Going green: Thinking big about how housing associations use their green spaces in new ways for the benefit of tenants, communities and the environment over the long term

Valleys to Coast and Tai Calon will share exciting and innovative projects that they have developed to utilise their green spaces in new and different ways. They will share the process they have gone through, the strategies they have developed and how they are implementing them. They will focus on how they have engaged communities in their Growth for Good and Blaenau Gwent Flourish and Thrive projects, which look at everything from food growing to carbon capture.

  • Joanne Oak, Valleys to Coast
  • Andrew Myatt, Tai Calon
  • Claire Snook, Samkat

2. Preventing homelessness amongst sanctuary seekers in Wales - Joy Kent

Independent consultant Joy Kent is currently working with Housing Justice Cymru, Tai Pawb, and the Wales Refugee Council to support housing organisations, local authorities, and third-sector organisations in preventing homelessness for people seeking sanctuary in Wales.

Joy will launch a new report that sets out how HAs are currently supporting the Welsh Government's goal of becoming the world's first nation of sanctuary and puts forward recommendations for how this engagement can be built on to help more people seeking sanctuary avoid homelessness and flourish.

3.15pm Refreshments, networking and exhibition viewing

3.45pm Keynote: Trust in Public Institutions - James Bailey, PwC UK

James will discuss PwC UK's insights into trust in public institutions and its impact on governance. We will explore the challenges public sector organisations face in rebuilding trust, the role of citizen engagement and cross-agency collaboration in enhancing accountability, and what this might all mean for Housing Associations.

4.30pm End of Day 1 - Chair’s reflections

4.45pm-5.30pm - CHC’s AGM

5.00pm - Networking with exhibitors

5.30-7.30pm - CHC Drinks Reception & Canapes, with fundraising for Shelter Cymru

DAY 2 - Wednesday 20th November

8.45am Registration, networking and exhibition viewing

9.30am Introduction to Day 2 - Sian Lloyd, conference chair

9.40am Keynote: Findings of the inquiry into social housing supply - John Griffiths MS

In his keynote, John Griffiths MS, Chair of the Senedd's Local Government and Housing Committee, will be launching the Committee’s latest report, which highlights issues relating to the supply of social housing in Wales and makes recommendations to the Welsh Government.

10.25am Panel: The economic environment

Join this timely discussion on the current economic environment and its impact on the housing sector. Our expert panel will explore the challenges of rising inflation, interest rates, and the cost-of-living crisis. The session will dive into practical strategies for housing providers to manage financial pressures while continuing to deliver affordable, sustainable housing. Gain insights on economic trends, funding opportunities, and the ongoing impact on vulnerable communities during these uncertain times.

In conversation with:

  • Darren Baxter, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • Paul Stevens, Centrus Advisors
  • Stuart Clarke, Monmouthshire Building Society

11.00am Refreshments, networking and exhibition viewing

11.30am Workshops

1. The future of social rents - Darren Baxter, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Joseph Rowntree Foundation have begun an exciting new research project exploring affordability for social housing tenants. As part of this work, they are looking at different models for rent setting, using this modelling to consider the trade-offs between delivery of much needed social homes and affordability. Join Darren Baxter, JRF, to hear about the work to date and add your thoughts to the debate on how a balance is best struck between affordability and financial viability

2. Getting ready for the Welsh Language Standards - Rhys Evans, ateb Cymru

In this workshop, Rhys Evans, Director of Welsh language consultancy Ateb, will be considering the potential requirements of the new Welsh Language Standards soon to be imposed on the sector and what actions housing associations can take ahead of implementation to ensure a smooth transition. Through exploring key themes, discussing the different stages of the process and sharing some lessons learnt from other sectors, this session will provide insight on what to expect and how to approach the standards.

3. Modern working practices

  • Rhiannon Dale (Hugh James)
  • Jemma MacLean (Insight HRC)
  • Emma Howells & Gail Walker (Valleys to Coast), Ruth Llewellyn & Stacy Thomas (Merthyr Valleys Homes)

4. Telling your story with impact - Sara Robinson

Join Sara for a focused, practical session on advanced storytelling strategies tailored for housing associations. This hour-long workshop will cover how to shape narratives that resonate with Government officials, funders, partners, and stakeholders, detailing three proven story structures that can improve the impact of your communication and campaigns.

12.30pm Lunch, networking and exhibition viewing

1.30pm Keynote: AI for Good - Cassidy Bereskin, OxGen AI

Join this insightful session with Cassidy Bereskin, PhD researcher and Clarendon Scholar at the Oxford Internet Institute, that explores how artificial intelligence can be deployed as a force for good to help housing associations fulfil their mission, and the safeguards to maintain. As the Founder of the Oxford Generative AI Summit, and an expert in AI ethics and transparency, Cassidy will discuss AI's potential to add value to housing and communities in Wales—enhancing services, boosting sustainability, and addressing inequalities. Discover how AI can be leveraged for ethical, inclusive solutions to improve housing while safeguarding against risks like misinformation and data misuse.

2.15pm Keynote: Compassionate leadership - Ewan Hilton, Platfform

Living our values inside our organisations and understanding what psychosocially healthy relationships mean with colleagues must be the first step to being able to offer the same to our customers. Training our ‘front line’ staff to work differently, to adopt values and behaviours that they don’t experience from colleagues and their own leadership will lead to failure, increased disconnections and cynicism. It starts with leadership, and it starts with culture. I will share our journey, the successes, the failures and the fun.

3.00pm Networking

Conference close